Professor Radoje Vujadinović: The Award of a specific significance and importance is an obligation for further work

Professor Radoje Vujadinović: The Award of a specific significance and importance is an obligation for further work

"With this Acknowledgment, the University of Montenegro sends the message that international positioning and internationalization are some of the key priorities. This Acknowledgment, awarded upon the proposal of my students and colleagues has a special significance and importance for me, but also an obligation in my further work", said professor of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Radoje Vujadinović, who received this award for special contribution in development of scientific, research, professional and art work.

"This is also a strong message to our academic community that their efforts and work will be recognized and awarded. This represents a great motivation for all professors and associates to valorise their potentials in their full capacities, which will result in their personal affirmation but also to affirmation of the University in its international positioning", he added.

He said that the team work leaded to the achievement of significant results during last year, not only in the country but also at the international level, which recommended him for this award. Amongst them, as he said, the most important are publication of chapters in scientific international monograph; publication of four scientific papers in prestigious journals at the SCI list; one scientific paper at the international conference; four reviews of scientific papers published in journals at the SCI list, and significant number of citations.

"Particularly important contribution in development of scientific and research work and international positioning of the University is achieved through participation in six international projects, where I coordinate two of them. Besides two bilateral projects with Slovenia, two ERASMUS+ projects, and participation in the EUREKA project, it is particularly important to emphasize the project AaCTA financed by the European Climate Fund", he said and added that this is the first project of the University financed within the EUKI fund, and realized with partners from Croatia, Slovenia and Austria.


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