Study program

Level of studies: DOCTORAL
Type of studies: Akademske
Financing: S
Learning outcomes:

The student who successfully finished., i.e. did a degree at academic doctoral study programme Sustainable Development, will be able to (learning outcomes): apply high-specialized research knowledge in individual research work in the field of improving of application of natural and technical sciences, important for sustainable development. analyze and connect new and complex ideas from the certain professional field or sector (energy, environment, transport, agriculture, information-communication technologies, tourism, services and so on) create and realize the investigations and innovations in complex, unfamiliar and unpredictable teaching and working surroundings in the fields of protection of natural resources and environment. follow the latest achievements from the field of his narrow specialization (disciplines), use the scientific literature (scientific papers, professional books and monographs) and discuss about the results which are presented in it. independently publish the scientific papers in the journals from SCI list. improve, use and integrate multi-disciplined, high-technological knowledges and skills in the practice. create high-technological and sustainable solutions in sectors: energy, environment, transport, agriculture, information-communication technologies, tourism and services and so on. initialize the improvement of provisions and standards in the fields: energy, environment, transport, agriculture, information-communication technologies, tourism, services and so on. use the research tools and scientific communication skills, including communication with the scientific community in international surroundings. cooperate with the experts in researches in the field of sustainable development, contribute to the development of over-border, regional and broader international cooperation in the field of usable knowledge and its application for the well-being of international communities. form or manage scientific-research teams, as well as to lead and develop projects and to individually analyze and present results of scientific research in the fields of natural resources and environment.