Dean Garić: Skype, Viber, Zoom Application Platforms for Communication with Students of the Faculty of Drama Arts

Dean Garić: Skype, Viber, Zoom Application Platforms for Communication with Students of the Faculty of Drama Arts

We talked to Dean Sanja Garic about teaching on the Faculty of Drama Arts in extraordinary circumstances of global pandemics.

Professors, depending on the subject, use many ways of communication with students. Lectures and exercises are organized mostly via video platform Skype, as well as Zoom application. On daily basis, the Faculty site has been uploading announcements, instructions and teaching material. Consultations are done via e-mails mostly and in some subjects, there are Viber groups. Our students actively take part in work aware of the continuity of teaching Dean Garic explains.

We have been organized rather fast, and we made the plan for online teaching which managers of study programs uploaded on the Faculty site. Links are immediately delivered to students and professors and assistants received e-mails of all students. Since on our faculty groups of students are small, we did not have problems with organization of teaching, so distance learning is conducted in greater number of subjects”,Dean Garić says. 

Still, she adds, this kind of work provides teaching in theoretical and some artistic subjects but not in all of them.

 “There are several subjects, such as Directing, Acting, Movement, Dancing and other that require gathering and group work in the same space so there is no adequate solution for that part”, the Dean says.

We will certainly, after the situation is stabilized, organize the supplement teaching in order to implement all curricula needed for quality acquirement of skills and competences for taking exams”, Garić announces.



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