Semester: 1
Status: Obavezan
Lessons: 2+1+0
Double: Da
ECTS catalogue
Learning outcomes:

After passing this exam, the student will be able to perform the following tasks in Italian: − understand the most commonly used words and expressions in the area of direct personal interest and the specific context, if the speaker talks slowly and clearly. − use simple phrases and plain sentences to describe the family, friends, and the place where he/she lives. − ask and answer simple questions about very familiar topics (to introduce him/herself, apologise, thank or respond to expressions of gratitude, accept or refuse an invitation / offer, explain where everything is in space and time) − read a short text and answer questions about it − write a short postcard or e-mail − fill out the formulation with personal information to address a person formally (on a ‘sir/madam basis’)

Teaching staff

Name Lectures Exercises Laboratory

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