Semester: 7
Status: Obavezan
Lessons: 4+2+0
Double: Da
ECTS catalogue
Learning outcomes:

With the end of the course "Economic development" student: • Knows and understands the issues and concepts of economic growth and economic development, the theory of economic development, goals, indicators, factors and strategies of economic development • knows and understands the development policy of contemporary market economies, development function of the key economic policies (monetary, fiscal, foreign trade, environmental, innovative), and a system of macro-economic management and development planning; • Has a knowledge and understanding of economic development of Montenegro through the development period and a critically analysis the internal and external limits of modern economic development of the country and the region; • Applies knowledge acquired from theory and policy of economic development in the analysis of a model of development and development policy in Montenegro; • Has knowledge and understanding of the European integration process of Montenegro as a framework for managing of the development policy; understands the importance of adjustment of macroeconomic management model to model of the EU economic governance; • Understand the process and reasons for joining the EU and has a critical observation of changes of Montenegro’s development policy and economic performances in that context (benefits and costs of integration into the EU macro-system); • Knows how to use professional literature in the field of economic development and European integration , correctly interprets the findings of published research through writing papers, essays and in a debate;

Teaching staff

Name Lectures Exercises Laboratory

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