Invitation to participate in STEM workshops at MTF: Science is your path to knowledge

Invitation to participate in STEM workshops at MTF: Science is your path to knowledge

To encourage young people in an exciting and inspiring way to become interested in scientific methods, research and discovering answers to important questions that shape our reality and future, the Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology organizes STEM workshops: Science is your path to knowledge.

Interactive workshops are organized in the MTF laboratories on 09/28/2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.:

  • "Get insight into the world of the grain structure of metallic materials" (MTF Metallography Laboratory);
  • "What can an electrochemical cell do?" (Laboratory for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of MTF);
  • "Isolation and application of odorous molecules" (Laboratory for Organic Chemical Technology at MTF);
  • "Light absorption and colour of copper (II) compounds" (MTF General and Anorganic Chemistry Laboratory).

In the MTF laboratories, students will be interested in scientific methods for researching the micro world of metallic materials and their properties and recording the UV/VIS spectra of coordination compounds. They will also learn the concept of an electrochemical cell, how to assemble cells for electrolysis and how to make an Al-air battery from available materials. Students will also learn why plant odour molecules are valuable and their role in pharmacy, medicine and everyday life, and they will have the opportunity to take some odour molecules with them as a souvenir.

In the hall of the building of technical faculties on 29.09.2023, interactive workshops are organized from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.:

  • "Interesting chemical reactions" and "Types of corrosion and protection of materials" for preschoolers and elementary school students;
  • "Chemistry of Love" for upper elementary and high school students.

Students will learn how the role of hormones is related to their structures and that chemistry is not just a "forest" of formulas and equations but the study of various phenomena and processes that need to be known to understand them because otherwise, they can be harmful and dangerous.

We invite preschoolers, primary and secondary school students and teachers to attend and participate in STEM workshops that will introduce children to the world of science, which is their path to knowledge.


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