BIO-ICT partner of the University of Montenegro's “Office for Innovation and Educational Services”

BIO-ICT partner of the University of Montenegro

BIO-ICT together with University of Montenegro Career Center and Capital City Podgorica - Bureau for Economic Cooperation and Support to the Business Community participated in the establishment of the  “Office for Innovation and Educational Services” under the auspices of the University of Montenegro and the City of Podgorica.

Public call was announced for all interested students of the University of Montenegro to apply and become the first generation who will use the Office for the development and progress of their business ideas. Twelve student from various Faculties of the University of Montenegro were chosen to form teams and kick-start the work of the Office.

The primary goal of the Office for Innovation-Educational Services is to stimulate entrepreneurial spirit and recognize business initiative of the student population at the University of Montenegro. At the initial stage of the development, the Office will provide all the necessary services and training, as well as knowledge transfer to all the users in order to affirm their existing business ideas and give them impetus for further progress and initiatives.

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