Invitation to the second global Chinese Bridge 2024 Storytelling Competition - "Im telling you a story"

Invitation to the second global Chinese Bridge 2024 Storytelling Competition - "Im telling you a story"

We invite all those interested to apply for the Chinese Bridge 2024 competition - "I am telling you a story" competition, which is organized by the headquarters of the Confucius Institutes - Center for Language, Education and Cooperation (Center for Language, Education and Cooperation).

The competition is an excellent opportunity to deepen knowledge of the Chinese language, to share experience and build relationships between different cultures through creative videos. This is a global art event open to all Chinese language lovers around the world. Regardless of location or ability to speak Chinese, we encourage everyone to participate  and share their stories.


1. Until when can works be sent?

Works are sent until April 28, 2024. (Beijing time)

2. Conditions for participation:
Participants can be all lovers of Chinese language and culture without age restrictions
The participant must not be a citizen of the Peoples Republic of China
The participant must not be a native Chinese speaker
Minors must have the consent of their parents or guardians
Applications must be submitted using the applicants real name. Pseudonyms or repeated entries under the same pseudonym will not be evaluated.

3. Topic - everything that associates you with China, its history, philosophy, technology, the friendship between the two countries, as well as your experience of learning the Chinese language, living and working in China can be your topic.

4. Format and what is required:

The format can be of your choice, such as: vlog, interview, documentary and the like. The duration of the attachment must be between 2 and 5 minutes.

Submitted materials can only be in Chinese!

5. Video Specifications:

Resolution lower than 1280x720 is not acceptable. All types of MP4, MOV, AVI, WMV and similar formats will be accepted.

6. Copyright claim

Copyright reserved. Any video format must be an original work. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited! It is forbidden to promote violence, racial and national discrimination.

7. By submitting a video, you authorize the contest organizer to use the video for promotional purposes of the event. The rights to distribute videos and adapt them to all other entries belong to the organizer.
How to submit work?

8. The work must be sent by April 28, 2024. to the email

Email subject (Subject): First and last name, the country you are sending from and the subject of the video

9. You send the video material as an attachment or add it as a link (google drive, wetransfer and similar). The video folder must be called "Registration Form for Collection of Works from the Storytelling Session of the Second "Chinese Bridge" Global Chinese Language Conference for Foreigners"

It is also possible to enter via social networks: participants can post videos on personal social networks, but must follow and tag the official profile of Chinese Bridge (Instagram account: chinesebridge2002). You can also apply via the following links:"Chinese Bridge" Weibo:
"Chinese Bridge" WeChat video account: Chinese Bridge
“Chinese Bridge” Douyin: ChineseBridge
"Chinese Bridge" YouTube:
"Chinese Bridge" Facebook:


The Center for Language, Education and Cooperation will decide which papers will be in the semi-finals and finals. The final competition will be held live.
Location: Zhangjiajie City, China
Time: June 4-10, 2024 (TBC)

Through the organization of this event, we want to show that it is possible to overcome language and cultural barriers and successfully write the pages of a more beautiful and interesting shared future.

For any further questions, you can contact via WeChat: "Chinese Bridge" WeChat ID: ChineseBridge2002 or phone number 15801002294

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