Study program

Level of studies: SPECIALIST
Type of studies: Akademske
Financing: B
Learning outcomes:

After successfully completing this level of academic studies student will be able to: 1. Use the Italian language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional needs. 2. Produce a clear, well-organized and detailed text on a wide range of topics. 3. Translate different kinds of texts from Italian and to Italian. 4. Interpret different kinds of literary and critical texts. 5. Use the knowledge of Italian language and literature and transmit it to the students at the appropriate level in a logical, systematic, gradual and comprehensive way. 6. Devise professional, teaching and extracurricular materials for the field of Italian. 7. Adapt existing programs to the individual characteristics of the students and to the composition of classes. 8. Estimate form of assessment considering the age of the students and their knowledge. 9. Write scientific papers in the areas covered by the studies. 10. Develop competences for lifelong learning for himself/herself and his/her students.