The Second Call for Proposals of the Danube Region Program Open

The Second Call for Proposals of the Danube Region Program Open

The Second Call for Proposals of the Danube Region Program has been launched and will be open until March 29, 2024.

The Call for Proposals covers the following specific objectives of the Program:

2.2: Promoting adaptation to climate change and disaster risk prevention

2.3: Improvement of water and sediment management processes

2.4: Protection and conservation of biodiversity in ecological corridors and regions

3.1: Accessible, inclusive and effective labor markets

3.2: Quality, accessible and inclusive services in education, training and lifelong learning

3.3: Strengthening the role of culture and sustainable tourism

4.2: Increased institutional capacities for territorial and macro-regional management

The total budget of this call is 38,749,913 euros of contribution from the European Union.

Each project must include at least three partners who are directly financed through the program and who are registered within the program territory. The lead partner can be from an EU member state or from a state that is a candidate for EU membership (except Ukraine).

Eligible project partners may be:

  1. Local, regional and state authorities;
  2. International organizations;
  3. Private bodies (non-profit organizations and private companies / private profit organizations, whereby private companies and private profit organizations cannot be lead partners).

A detailed description of the objectives and content of the call, acceptable activities, composition of partnerships is available on the official page of the Danube Region Program:

The Ministry of European Affairs will organize a national info day in December, where this invitation will be presented in detail.

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