Semester: 7
Status: Obavezan
Lessons: 2++0
Double: Ne
ECTS catalogue
Learning outcomes:

Students should be trained to identify the right place of health in the system of social values and to critically explain the differences in the health of the population of different regions within one or between countries, to look at all dimensions of health and based on them make judgments about the positive and negative characteristics of the definition of health; - Students should be trained to understand concepts related to public health; to see the differences and connections between public health and clinical medicine, to accept the multidisciplinary approach to public health, as well as its long-term importance, as well as to understand the concept of "Health for All"; - Students should learn to identify adequate sources of data on health and health care, to critically analyze health status indicators and through discussion to see the possible causes of differences and changes in the health status of the population. They must be directed to understand the concept of the Policy and the goals of sustainable development; - Students are instructed to understand the concept and characteristics of public health strategies within which especially health education; to see group work as a method of health education, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this method. They come up with topics for presenting the method of working in a group and implement them in groups; - Through practical exercises, students are provided with the skills to create short, impactful health-educational messages for a specific target group and are encouraged to create a visual presentation of messages in various health-education materials; - Students are trained to recognize risk factors from the immediate environment and work together to create measures to overcome their negative impact on health. As part of the exercises, they create programs that contain measures to prevent the influence of risk factors from the environment (maladapted behavior, negative social, economic, biological and other influences). During the presentation of the program, everyone participates in evaluating the specific program, its reality and giving suggestions, comments and proposals;

Teaching staff

Name Lectures Exercises Laboratory