Webinar on Good Practices of Citations and References for Literature in Academic Papers

Webinar on Good Practices of Citations and References for Literature in Academic Papers

A webinar on topic "Good practices of quoting and referencing literature in academic papers" was held today at the University of Montenegro, with the participation of more than 30 students of the University.

On the topic of the webinar, organized with the support of the Council of Europe, Miha Kovač, PhD, Professor of Publishing Studies and Head of the Department of Librarianship and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana.

He explained the concept of plagiarism, and especially referred to difference between plagiarism in literature and science, and pointed out reasons why copyright prohibits plagiarism.

Rules of citation derive from structure of scientific work, he pointed out and pointed out that correctly citing data sources and works of others is basis for obtaining correct results in all forms of research, not only in science but also in marketing, education and many other areas. On concrete examples, he pointed out good and bad practices in quoting.

Professor Kovač's main research interests are publishing statistics, research of educational academic publishing. Prior to his academic career, he was the editor-in-chief of the two largest Slovenian publishing houses and the editor-in-chief of the Slovenian edition of National Geographic Journal.


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